Board of Acupuncture Continuing Education

Please see the tables below for a summary of continuing education requirements.  

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Continuing Education (CE) Requirements
For a complete set of requirements, please review the applicable statutes and rules, which may be found here.

Licensees in New Hampshire have free access to CE Broker, a leading continuing education system that offers CE Tracking and the ability to search for approved courses.  For more information, including how to access your free account, please click here.


License Type: Acupuncturist
CE Hours Total=30 hours

  • 15 hours shall directly relate to acupuncture
  • 15 hours may indirectly relate to acupuncture
    • Of those, 2 hours shall be in Safety
    • Of those, 2 hours shall be in Ethics
CE Cycle 2 years (corresponds with license timeframe)
Required Subject Areas ★  Directly Related to Acupuncture
★  Remaining Hours Required
★  Ethics
★  Safety
Are the requirements different for the first renewal? No
Can CEs roll over? If a licensee earns CEs in excess of what is required, the CEs may roll over for one cycle only.  Acp 402.01.
Is there a restriction on CE delivery methods (e.g., licensee can only take live courses)? No
Applicable exemption(s): Maintaining current, active NCCAOM certification satisfies CE requirements per RSA 328-G:9.
Do courses need to be preapproved by the Board?

Yes.  Courses offered by the following providers shall be automatically approved if they otherwise meet the requirements:

  • Schools that are ACAHM accredited, in candidacy, or board approved;
  • Accredited colleges or universities;
  • Courses approved by the NCCAOM review service;
  • Courses approved by Continuing Education committees of the American Association of Acupuncture and Asian Medicine or other national professional healthcare associations; or
  • Courses approved by other state licensing boards including those offered through state professional organizations following state licensing board requirements.

Courses not offered by the above providers may be preapproved by the board in accordance with Acp 402.05(b).

Ways to earn CEs: Categories of CEUs (Acp 402.03)

  • Research related to knowledge or practice of oriental medicine
    • 2 hours of research =1 CEU
  • Publication related to knowledge or practice of oriental medicine
    • Every article worth 10 CEUs
    • Every book worth 30 CEUs
  • Teaching courses in acupuncture, oriental medicine, or related topics 
    • Every hour taught=1 CEU
  • Clinical supervision in a preceptorship or formal school
    • Every hour spent supervising students=1 CEU
  • Supervised clinical experience in oriental medicine
    • Every hour spent under supervision=1 CEU
  • Continuing education courses
    • 1 hour spent in CEU=1 CEU
  • Service on a professional board that relates to oriental medicine (Acp 402.03)
    • 1 year=5 CEU
  • Other


License Type:  Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist
CE Hours None


CE Providers

Continuing education shall be offered by approved institutions or be approved by the Board.
Approved institutions are:

  • Schools that are ACAHM accredited, in candidacy, or board approved;
  • Accredited colleges or universities;
  • Courses approved by the NCCAOM review service;
  • Courses approved by Continuing Education committees of the American Association of Acupuncture and Asian Medicine or other national professional healthcare associations; or
  • Courses approved by other state licensing boards

If the sponsor is not an approved institution, the sponsor may apply for approval to sponsor an approved continuing education through CE Broker.  During the application process, the sponsor shall submit the following:

  • The name, address, and phone number of the sponsoring agency or its contact person;
  • The title, location, and date of the course;
  • A description of all subjects covered by the course which demonstrates conformity with Acp 402.04(a) and (b);
  • The stated objective of the course and any other descriptive material about the course or the instructors which helps to evaluate the course;
  • A course syllabus, a course schedule with hourly breakdown, and a description of all required textbooks and equipment;
  • The name(s) and professional qualifications of the instructor(s); and
  • A statement that attendees who are present for the entire course shall be given an attendance certificate for license renewal purposes.

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