Board of Acupuncture License Application

Acupuncture license requirements, applications and fees.

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Initial Application

Personal Qualifications

  1. An applicant shall be 21 years of age or older.
  2. An applicant shall be of good moral character and shall be considered to be so as evidenced by letters submitted on behalf of the applicant pursuant to Acp 301.02(p).


Certification Requirements

  1. An applicant shall hold current, active NCCAOM certification through examination or Credentials Documentation Review.
  2. An applicant shall have successfully completed an NCCAOM approved Clean Needle Technique Course.


Education Requirements

An applicant shall possess a baccalaureate, registered nurse, or physician's assistant degree from an accredited institution.

An applicant shall have completed acupuncture education from an ACAOM accredited US school.

There are possible waivers for education requirements, which are needed by all applicants who attended foreign schools, or those who attended US schools that were not ACAOM accredited. See Application Details below.


Application Procedure

Below is information to help you properly complete your application.

Persons who wish to apply for a license to practice acupuncture in New Hampshire must submit the following:

  1. An application provided by the board;
  2. All additional supporting materials required of the applicant mentioned in the application; and
  3. The initial license fee.

An application shall:

  1. Be typewritten or legibly printed in original ink;
  2. Be signed by the applicant, and
  3. Have all sections complete or designated as not applicable to the applicant.

Any application which is illegible, has incomplete sections, or is not signed shall be returned to the applicant.

An application shall be considered to be on file with the board on the date when the board has received:

  1. A fully completed application form;
  2. Proof that the applicant's check has been deposited and cleared; and
  3. All required supporting documentation.


Timing of Application Approval or Denial

The licensing board typically meets quarterly and will look at new applications only at those meetings.

Within 60 days of the date the application is on file with the board, the board shall request, if necessary, additional information or documentation needed to clarify the application or any materials related to the application.

Unless a waiver of the following time limit has been requested by the applicant and granted by the board, the board shall approve or deny the application within a reasonable time not to exceed 120 days from:

  1. The date the application is on file with the board; or
  2. The date of the response to a request for further information or documentation.

An application on file with the board shall be denied if the information disclosed indicates the applicant cannot be relied upon to practice competently, safely and honestly, or adhere to the ethical and professional requirements of Acp 500.

If the application is denied, the applicant shall be provided an opportunity to request a hearing for reconsideration on the deficiency issues identified by the board. Any such request for a hearing shall be submitted to the board within 30 days from the date of the board's notification of denial.

If, within 30 days of the board's notification of denial, a request for a hearing is not made by the applicant, the application shall be closed.

A pending application, awaiting information which the board has requested, shall be held open for one year from the date of filing after which it shall be closed. This time limit shall be extended upon written request to the board.

All applications for licensure shall be kept as part of a permanent record.

All licenses shall expire 2 years from the date of issue.


Application Form Details

Use the following instructions to fill out your application properly:

  1. Name, including any previously used names that might appear on supporting documentation;
  2. Residence and business addresses and telephone numbers;
  3. Date of birth;
  4. Gender information;
  5. A 2" x 2" passport quality photo taken within 90 days of the date on the application;
  6. A list of colleges and universities the applicant attended, dates of attendance, and degrees, if any received. An applicant shall possess a baccalaureate, registered nurse, or physician's assistant degree from an accredited institution. You must show proof with one of the following:
    1. An official transcript sent directly to the board from the college or university which granted the degree (copies may not be sent by the applicant)
    2. The original of the diploma awarded; or
    3. In the case of an undergraduate degree from a college or university outside the United States, it shall meet the undergraduate degree requirement if the following criteria are met:
      1. The school is approved by the government of that country; and
      2. An official transcript in English is sent directly to the board FROM the institution that shows the courses completed, number of months in attendance, and date and type of diploma awarded. (Copies may NOT be sent by the applicant.)

    If you do not have an undergraduate degree, you may apply for a waiver of the degree requirement. If you meet the requirements for the degree waiver, you must submit the degree waiver application form included in your application packet and provide the supporting documentation. See Undergraduate Degree Waiver below.

  7. A list of acupuncture schools attended, dates attended, date of graduation and degree, certificate, or diploma awarded, supported by official transcripts sent directly from all acupuncture schools or colleges attended (copies may not be sent by the applicant).
    The only acupuncture education automatically approved is from a US post-secondary school that was ACAOM accredited or in candidacy at the time the applicant graduated. All applicants who attended foreign schools, or those who attended US schools that were not ACAOM accredited must apply for a "Waiver of Acupuncture Education Requirement".
    If you meet the requirements for the acupuncture education waiver, you must submit the acupuncture education waiver form included in your application packet and provide the supporting documentation. See Waiver of Acupuncture Education below.
  8. A list of all other states and countries in which the applicant is currently licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to practice acupuncture, dates of issue and expiration, and the license or certificate numbers. Documentation of the status of all current acupuncture licenses held shall be sent directly from the issuing state or country (copies may not be sent by the applicant).
  9. A list of other states and countries in which the applicant was ever previously licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to practice acupuncture, including dates of issue and expiration.
  10. A list of all states and countries in which the applicant was previously or is currently licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to practice a healing art other than acupuncture, including dates of issue and expiration.
  11. Information regarding the applicant's certification by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) supported by documentation of certification status sent to the board directly from the NCCAOM, including:
    1. Date of initial certification;
    2. Date current certification expires; and
    3. Whether the current certification is for acupuncture only or for acupuncture and herbal medicine.
  12. Disclosure, and explanation where applicable, of the following information:
    1. If any malpractice claim has ever been made against the applicant, regardless of whether a lawsuit was filed in relation to the claim;
    2. If the applicant has ever been denied an acupuncture license, certificate, or registration anywhere for any reason;
    3. If the applicant ever had employment or appointment in a hospital, clinic or other health care facility suspended, or resigned from a health care facility in lieu of being subject to a disciplinary action;
    4. If the applicant has any formal disciplinary charges pending or if any disciplinary action has been taken against the applicant by any acupuncture or medical board, any health care facility, or any professional acupuncture association;
    5. If the applicant ever voluntarily surrendered a license to practice acupuncture or other healing art in lieu of facing disciplinary action;
    6. If the applicant has, at any time, been convicted of a crime involving violence, abuse, fraud, dishonesty or drugs;
    7. If the applicant ever had a professional license in a field other than acupuncture revoked, suspended, or otherwise terminated on disciplinary grounds, or if any disciplinary actions are currently pending against the applicant in relation to any professional license held; and
    8. If the applicant has ever had or currently has an emotional disturbance or mental illness, an organic illness, or addictive disorder which impaired her or his ability to practice acupuncture or to function as an acupuncture student. If so, the applicant shall describe treatment received and the outcome of such treatment.
    9. A statement of the applicant's successful completion of the Clean Needle Technique Course supported by documentation of such directly from the NCCAOM or the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM).
    10. A statement of moral character from 3 persons other than relatives of the applicant, who have known the applicant for at least 3 years, at least one of whom shall be an acupuncturist, licensed in this state or in another jurisdiction.
    11. The applicant's signature on a statement which shall declare that the information and documentation provided is true, accurate, complete and unaltered.


Undergraduate Degree Waiver

The board shall waive the requirement of a baccalaureate, RN or PA degree for an applicant provided that the applicant:

  1. Has a current valid acupuncture license from another state whose requirements are substantively equal to or exceed the requirements of RSA 328-G:9, II, verified directly from the state or states involved;
  2. Meets all other requirements of licensure; and
  3. Can prove at least 40 points based on the following:
    1. Every 3 credit hours earned at an accredited post-secondary institution, verified by original transcripts from the colleges attended, shall equal two points;
    2. Each year the applicant has held a valid acupuncture license in another state, verified directly from the state or states involved, shall equal 5 points; and
    3. Each semester of teaching acupuncture or acting as a clinical supervisor in an acupuncture school that is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) or in candidacy for accreditation, verified by documentation of such activity directly from the institutions involved, shall equal 5 points.


Waiver of Acupuncture Education

Please note that no foreign schools are ACAOM accredited. All applicants who attended foreign schools must apply for a waiver of acupuncture education.

An applicant shall qualify for a waiver of the acupuncture education requirement as below.

The acupuncture education requirement shall only be waived for applicants meeting the following requirements by two options, (1) non ACAOM accredited school or (2) apprenticeship program.

All applicants applying for a waiver of the acupuncture education requirement, by either of the two routes, non ACAOM accredited school or apprenticeship, must successfully complete at least a 6 credit course in anatomy and physiology at any accredited college or university, verified by a transcript sent directly from that institution.

  1. If the applicant has received acupuncture education at a school or college that is not ACAOM accredited or in candidacy at the time of the applicant's graduation, a waiver shall be granted by the board if the applicant accrues 60 points based on the following point schedule:
    1. An applicant shall accrue 10 points for each completed school year, up to a total maximum of 30 points, spent in a formal acupuncture program provided that:
      1. The applicant has graduated from that program; and
      2. The graduation from that program is verified by a transcript directly from that program or school.
    2. An applicant shall accrue 10 points for each year of acupuncture practice, up to a total maximum of 50 points, provided that:
      1. The applicant had a minimum of 500 patient visits per year;
      2. The applicant's practice in that year was at least 70% general health care; and
      3. The applicant must provide the board with the following documentation of their practice:
        • Dates and location of practice; and
        • At least 2 of the following 4 choices:
          • Original letters from employers specifying dates and hours worked, and number of visits;
          • Written statements from a minimum of 20 patients, with current phone numbers and addresses for each, specifying the time period of treatment;
          • Written statements from at least 2 other health care professional, state or local acupuncture or oriental medicine professional associations, schools or colleges with convincing testimony based on personal knowledge regarding the dates, volume, and scope of practice; or
          • Written statements from at least 2 other respected members within the community with convincing testimony based on personal knowledge regarding the dates, volume, and scope of practice.
    3. An applicant may accumulate additional points, up to a total maximum of 20 points, in the following categories:
      1. An applicant shall accrue 2 points per semester for primary teaching responsibility of an acupuncture course provided that:
        • The course is taught at a board approved school or college as set forth in Acp 303.01; and
        • The primary teaching responsibility is verified directly from the school.
      2. An applicant shall accrue 2 points per semester for primary supervising responsibility of a clinic course or rotation provided that:
        • The clinic course or rotation is taught at a board approved acupuncture school or college; and
        • The primary supervising responsibility is verified directly from the school; and/or
      3. An applicant may accrue 2 points per published article about acupuncture or oriental medicine provided:
        • The article is published in a nationally or internationally recognized professional journal or publication; and
        • It is documented by a copy of the article.
  2. If the applicant has received his or her training through an apprenticeship program, that program, as verified by appropriate documentation, shall:
    1. Conform to all NCCAOM apprenticeship program standards pursuant to RSA 328-G:9,II(g); and
    2. Provide a balance of clinical training and didactic instruction that parallels the ACAOM core curriculum, including:
      1. A basic history of acupuncture;
      2. Basic oriental medical theory;
      3. Point location;
      4. Diagnostic skills;
      5. Treatment planning;
      6. Treatment technique;
      7. Specialized treatment patterns and point combinations;
      8. Emergency first aid treatment;
      9. Equipment and safety in practice techniques; and
      10. Ethics and human service skills.

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