Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals

The Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals is comprised of seven members nominated by the Governor and approved by the Executive Council. The membership must include four master licensed alcohol and drug counselors, one licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and one member of the general public.

Who We Regulate:

  • Certified Recovery Support Worker
  • Licensed Clinical Supervisor
  • Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor
  • Master Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor

What's New:  

  • Adopted Rules: The Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use professionals adopted Alc 300 with changes to various rules.
    The rule changes related to Initial Certification/Licensure requirements for Certified Recovery Support Workers, Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor, Licensed Clinical Supervisor, and Master Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor. The rules became effective March 13, 2023. The rules are posted here.

  • Important Changes About Your License Period


Contact Information:

Office of Professional Licensure & Certification
7 Eagle Square
Concord NH, 03301