Psychologist FAQs
Psychologist FAQs

What are the post-doctoral Supervision Requirements?

Psyc Rule 302.05(a)(2) specifies the requirements of post-doc supervision, including the requirement of face-to-face supervision. If you believe your situation warrants a waiver of this face-to-face supervision requirement, please review Psyc Rule 210, specifying the process for petitioning the Board for a waiver of our substantive rules.

I am a school psychologist seeking a license as either a Licensed School Psychologist-Doctoral or Licensed School Psychologist-Specialist – what are the application requirements?

RSA 329-B:15-a lists the requirements for licensure, as a school psychologist-doctoral or specialist.  Applicants are advised to review that statute to determine the materials required for the Board to consider their application.  Applicants are advised that the Board is in the process of developing more specific rules related to school psychologists and a companion application form, to further guide the application process.

 Am I required to submit essays in conjunction with my application?

Due to recent changes in the law applicants are no longer required to submit essays as part of their application.