For Immediate Release
Posted: May 17, 2024


Family Mediator Certification Board Vacant Positions

The Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) is currently looking to
fill two positions on the Family Mediator Certification Board. One Public Member and
One Member of the New Hampshire Bar Association.

The public member shall be a resident of the state of New Hampshire who is not,
and never have been, a member of the family mediation profession or the spouse of
any such person. The public member shall not have, and shall never have had, a
material financial interest in either the provision of family mediation services or an
activity directly related to family mediation, including the representation of the
board or its predecessor or the profession for a fee at any time during the 5 years
preceding the date of appointment.

One member of the New Hampshire Bar Association, appointed by the governor with
the consent of the council.

Board members attend meetings at the OPLC office and utilize their expertise to
make recommendations on rules, requirements, licensing applications, renewals,
and complaints. Board members also attend adjudicative hearings on disciplinary
matters and make recommendations as needed.

For information on applying for a Board member position, visit Interested in
Becoming Board Member | NH Office of Professional Licensure and